Indoor Air Quality Specialists

To many people, air pollution only occurs outside the home. The first thing that comes to mind is vehicle emissions and industrial emissions (fuel oil, gas oil, natural gas). But in real terms, studies made it known that air pollution indoors is 5 to 10 times higher than outdoor pollutants.
Poor air quality is detrimental to human health. It causes several illnesses, which in turn has negative effects on productivity at home and in the workplace. Pollutants and toxins exist in HVAC systems, which spread easily into the air and environment for the residents to inhale. These pollutants come in the form of bacteria, dust mites, dead insects, debris, and rodent droppings. Its effect becomes more adverse if the HVAC system is complex and big. This is because more contaminants accumulate in every nook and crannies throughout the system.
Assisting You to Breathe in Healthy Air in Chicago and Environs
Every household and office deserves good indoor air quality, most importantly for people that suffer from allergies. However, many homes are not getting indoor air quality they want because of the structure of their buildings. The motive of modern homeowners is to build a house that is as tight as possible to enhance energy efficiency. But the effect of this is that stagnant air mixed with odors, irritants, and chemicals get trapped inside. The infected air keeps circulating in the room, as there is no escape route. Also, fresh air finds it difficult to enter the room to replace the warm air in circulation.
The implication of this is possible eye irritation, dizziness, headaches, the emergence of allergies, and other ailments. This issue requires attention as many homeowners are not aware of the relevance of indoor air quality and ways to improve it. SAI Air Comfort, through our environmental specialist, will provide you with indoor air quality services that keep you and your family healthy.
Enhance Your Indoor Air Quality
Air pollution is one of the tough challenges of the world, especially inside our buildings; it ranks high among the environmental risks that affect our health. According to EPA, outdoor air is one hundred times less polluted than the indoor air. Therefore, tackling the problem of air from inside is very important.
At SAI Air Comfort, we don’t just attend to the poor indoor air quality with lighter hands; we administer an air cleaning system for every room of your house, from the smallest to the biggest. We solve the problem from a broader perspective rather than a narrow outlook.
Air cleaners are of different types, ranging from media air cleaners to whole-home air cleaners. Their primary function is to remove particulates from the air as much as possible. They get rid of dust, dust mites, mold, bacteria, smoke, and more from your home.
The Function of Air Cleaners
Air cleaners work with the central heating and cooling system in your home – Not visible for you to see. But perform its function whenever the system is running. It filters and gets rid of harmful contaminants in every room in your home through an advance filtering mechanism.
After cleaning the air, the heating and cooling system’s ductwork ensures the air gets to every room in your home. After installation, the air cleaners do not require frequent maintenance as it can take up to two years before any maintenance activities.
SAI Air Comfort Indoor Air Quality Strategy
Your indoor air quality challenges are the basis of the action that we will take. We carry out the necessary test (blower door) and analysis (thermal imaging). Based on the result, we will show you our steps to tackling the issues we found regardless of its complexity. Possible solutions to indoor air quality challenges include:
• Selecting the best air cleaning system that suits your indoor air quality needs and budget.
• We will be installing dehumidifiers to prevent mold growth and reduction of dust mites.
• Installation of UV light systems to prevent the growth of contaminants as well as cleaning the air that flows through your HVAC system.
• Installation of energy recovery ventilators to balance ventilation
Hints on Improving Indoor Air Quality
• Regular maintenance of your HVAC equipment
• Making use of top-notch air filters in the HVAC system
• Installation of high-quality air purifier
• Use dehumidifier for moisture reduction in your home.
• Installation of energy recovery ventilators
SAI Air Comfort is a Call Away
We are here to offer you a variety of indoor air quality services that suit your home or business needs. Our professional indoor air quality will help you identify your air cleaner needs and install the right option for you.